TrailMaster Infrared Trail Monitors - world leaders in infrared trail monitoring equipment. Providing game cameras and trail cameras, trail counters and traffic counters. TRAILMASTER ® is the world leader in infrared trail monitoring. We manufacture the ultimate line of infrared trail monitoring equipment. We have game cameras and trail cameras to fit any trail monitoring need. As well as trail counters and traffic counters. Skip Navigation..
TRAILMASTER ® is the world leader in infrared trail monitoring. We manufacture the ultimate line of infrared trail monitoring equipment. We have game cameras and trail cameras to fit any trail monitoring need. As well as trail counters and traffic counters. TrailMaster Infrared Trail Monitors - world leaders in infrared trail monitoring equipment. Providing game cameras and trail cameras, trail counters and traffic counters.

Actual photo taken with TrailMaster equipment.

". . .we had imported a few units of Trailmasters for our survey work on nocturnal animals and to use these as a tool in identifying larger cats by their stripe or spot patterns. We have recently started using in Rajaji National Park and we have some photographs including tiger. Some of them are enclosed herewith for your record and you may like to have also."

Wildlife Institute of India

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